SimVascular Dependencies.

External Open Source Packages Used by SimVascular

A complete build of the latest version of SimVascular requires over ten external open source libraries. Note that many of the open source packages include additional external open source packages and may require platform dependent system libraries. This is generally transparent to the developer with the exception that exact version numbers of packages may be required for compatibility. SimVascular has mandatory requirements, standard major requirements, and standard additional libraries as listed below.

Mandatory Requirements

  • VTK
  • tck/Tk
  • Standard major requirements:

  • ITK
  • MITK
  • Qt
  • MMG
  • Python
  • Standard additional requirements:

  • FreeType
  • GDCM
  • hdf5
  • tinyxml2
  • Optional requirements include:

  • Tensorflow
  • svSolver requires VTK and at least one MPI implementation:

  • VTK
  • openmpi
  • mpich
  • msmpi (Windows only)
  • For current version numbers of the external open source packages, click here.

    Sanjay Kharche: Researcher ID; Orcid; Research Gate; PubMed.

    SRK home PM3 SimVasc project home PM3 SimVascular dependencies. PM3sources and binaries. PM3 SimVascular installation. PM3 SimVascular projects. PM3 SimVascular documentation.

    10th April 2021. Sanjay R. Kharche. Ph.D. The contents of the PM3 SimVascular pages are owned by the PM3 lab. and investigators: Drs. Sanjay R Kharche, Daniel Goldman, and CW McIntyre. External links are not gaurenteed to work. Source codes provided in this portal are distributed under GNU GPL lincence unless otherwise stated. You may use, modify, and share the distributions without any charges or permissions. You may use the PM3 generated models upon agreement with authors and developers. Please cite our publications if you use our codes and models.